Meisterstrasse Handmade presents an exhibition marking the 150th anniversary of the Vienna World Exhibition 1873. As an Austrian-founded, international platform of excellence, representing heritage manufacturers alongside independent craftspeople, Meisterstrasse Handmade showcases producers from Austria, Japan and Thailand.

In addition to a selection of new pieces, a group of museum pieces that formed part of the original 1873 exhibition is also displayed. In this way, handcrafted products from traditional companies and young entrepreneurs as well as historical pieces build a bridge between history and contemporary crafts.

Emphasis is laid on manufacturers that were or are Purveyors to the Court, as well as innovative artisans showcasing of-the-moment objects. Additionally, tourism legends tell the story of Austria as a country of remarkable and authentic hospitality for the last 150 years.

The exhibition takes place at The Austrian Embassy in London at 18 Belgrave Square: a venue of great importance for Austria in the 19th century. As the former Imperial Embassy of the Habsburg Monarchy, the building remains true to its Victorian origins, creating the perfect ambiance for a journey of craftsmanship through time and everlasting design.